The Smoky Valley – DE/EN

The Smoky Valley – DE/EN


Availability: 1 em stock | Dias Previsto de Entrega: 3 Categoria:


In The Smoky Valley, you are an investor enabling the industrial and economic development of Griffintown during the 19th Century. Your goal is to get the most prestige points for participating in the development of the city so it becomes the most prosperous place in North America.
During the game, you will build industries, produce and process goods and sell those goods locally or export them to foreign markets. You will also be solicited to participate in the widening and modernization of the Lachine Canal, which has just been built.
Besides these activities for the good of Griffintown and your own wealth, you will also have to stimulate the development of the city in order to boost economic activities, provide public services and increase the quality of life of citizens. If your actions are well received by the citizens and your popularity increases
faster than the popularity of your opponents, you may even become the mayor of the city. This office will offer you the chance to influence the city’s development for the best of your interests, as well as your citizens’, of course!
The Smoky Valley is game #2 in the Griffintown Series by Claude Sirois!
 Components: 1 game board, 2 industry development boards, 4 player boards, 4 navigation boards, 20 district tiles, 1 industry development board, 27 industry tiles, 1 service tokens board, 15 service tokens, 1 canal tiles board, 29 canal tiles, 1 city development board, 3 mayor priority tokens, 42 city cards, 3
mayor cards, 15 neutral ship tokens, 12 player ship tokens, 1 foreign markets board, 11 foreign market goods tokens, 1 game sequence marker, 8 money markers, 4 ships, 12 canal development markers, 88 goods markers, 36 trader markers, 88 discs

Informação adicional

Peso 2.2 kg


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